Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Could You Live in a 16 Square Foot Apartment?

Lots of major cities are so crowded that their apartments are pretty tiny by comparison to what we consider standard, but this is ridiculous! This Tokyo apartment is a mere sixteen square feet. We'll say that again for emphasis, SIXTEEN SQUARE FEET! Check out this teeny tiny Tokyo 'townhouse' below!

Have you heard the news? Tokyo is pretty crowded. And since space is at such a premium, some renters are choosing to live in something called "share houses" in downtown Shibuya. If you are in any way claustrophobic, and don't want to hyperventilate, don't click to see the rest.

Could You Live in a 16 Sq. Ft. Apartment?

Share house rooms are stacked pods, lockers on the outside and horizontal living space on the inside. Forget furniture. Residents only have space enough for bedding, clothes, tv, and a stuffed animal or two. Although utilities are included in the almost $600 rent, private bathrooms are not. And hey! If you don't need a window, you might pay a little less!

What do you think? Could you live in an apartment this size? 

Full article here:


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