Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fun Activity for Your Kids

Playdough, silly putty, and sludge are three favorite words of many children.  However, buying these products in the store over and over again can be expensive.  Here is a simple easy recipe to make silly putty in your home.  The kids can even make it with some supervision.

For one small batch:
1/2 bottle of glue (or 1/4 cup)
a little less than 1/4 cup of water + 1/4 cup hot water
1/2 teaspoon borax
Food Coloring

Borax is so easy to find! And it’s cheap. Just look in the laundry section of the store. One box is enough to make about a million batches of Silly Sludge.

To make Silly Sludge, first start by measuring and pouring the glue into a glass bowl. It doesn’t have to be glass, but it will be easier to clean if it is.

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

Then add a little less than 1/4 cup of water and stir it until it’s mixed up pretty well. The amount of water doesn’t need to be exact at all!

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

Add in a tiny bit of food coloring. Like even one drop if you can.  If you add too much, you may get some on your hands when you play with it. Mix it up until the color is combined.

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

Set that bowl aside. Now measure out 1/4 cup of hot water and stir in 1/2 teaspoon of Borax. Mix it around until the Borax dissolves. It may not all dissolve, but mostly is okay. The hot water really helps.

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

Now comes the fun (and educational) part! Pour the Borax mixture into the glue mixture and stir.

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

Almost immediately, the Borax causes the glue to make a polymer chain (which means, it makes the glue’s molecules stick together). It’s pretty cool!

Silly Sludge Recipe - half slime, half silly putty | Love and Laundry

If all of the water doesn’t absorb into the Silly Sludge, it’s no big deal!  Move the Silly Sludge out of the bowl and play with it! The more you play with it, the better it gets. You can store it in a small zip lock bag.

For more information see Love and Laundry

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Free Admission on Wednesday September 19th.

 Free admission to the state fair does not happen very often.  However, today only, you and your family can go to the state fair for free.  Make sure to go today to check out the rides, foods, and events at this years fair.  Also, an added bonus, parking is always free this year!

 The New Mexico state fair is offering free gate admission all day Wednesday, Sept. 19.

State Fair General Manager Dan Mourning says the goal is to make the fair affordable to everyone.
"We want every New Mexican to be able to enjoy the event we've worked so hard to put together, and we understand that the economy is still pretty tough out there for most people in our state," said Mourning.

Regular price admission will be in place on Thursday, Sept. 20, but they are offering half-price all-day ride wristbands on that day only.

Parking is free everyday throughout the State Fair.

Read more at KOAT.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Bike Helmets for Cheap

Every time your child has a new favorite color they want new accessories to match.  Well there is a way to help their changing tastes without spending a fortune.  Duct Tape is the way to fix their bike helmets without buying a new one every other week.

Many of us have been there: staring at a hole in a shoe, a torn backpack, or possibly a damaged car fender. Lacking the time or skill to repair them properly, we reach for the duct tape, slap it on and go about our business. 

9-2012 helmet 3a.jpegConsidering the fact that repairing things with duct tape is common enough to be an oft-lampooned stereotype, a duct tape makeover would seem to be an easy target for ridicule. But things are not always as they seem, as this project illustrates.

While not usually known for being fashion forward, duct tape takes center stage in this project. Anna from My Life and Kids was tired of looking at her kids' tired old helmets. Instead of buying new ones, she thought outside of the box and decided to employ some decorative duct tape. The finished product speaks for itself.

 While she had the tape out, Anna got a bit more crafty and made her daughter a color-coordinated basket for her bike out of a cardboard box. Who knows what she will tape up next?

For more information see Apartment Therapy.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

National Parks Free Admission Day

The end of the month is National Parks free admission day.  It is a great way to take a weekend trip with a family for a low cost.  There are 10 parks on the list in the New Mexico area that all have interesting sights to see.  Make sure to schedule this free admission day on your calendar.

More than 100 national parks that usually charge admission fees are free for all on National Parks Free Entrance Days.
We’ve got a National Parks free admission day coming right up on Saturday September 29, 2012 to celebrate National Public Lands Day. It’s a great excuse to take a day trip, get outside, and make the most of the last great days of summer. So consider this a heads-up to plan ahead.

Parks that usually charge admission but are free on September 29 include the New Mexico National Parks on this list:
The next round of Free National Parks Entrance Days are on November 10-12 for Veterans Day weekend. So mark your calendar now.

For more information see ABQ on the cheap.

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