Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stay Happy At Home

Who we are at home greatly affects how we feel outside of our homes. Often times the habits that we take part in during our “at home” hours have a significant effect on how we view the rest of our day. If you’re having a hard time keeping a positive outlook on life, maybe it’s time to make a few small tweaks to your daily routine. 

It may be time to stop looking at outside sources and start focusing more on your habits inside the walls of your home. This quick guide from has a few interesting ways to boost your mood that may surprise you. Keep reading to find out what they have to say!

1. Make your bed. In a popular post last month, I explained the many benefits of daily bed-making. Gretchen Rubin, New York Times best-selling author of The Happiness Project, explains that this three minute task is one of the simplest habits you can adopt to positively impact your happiness.

2. Bring every room back to "ready." I learned this trick from Marilyn Paul's clever book, It's Hard to Make a Difference When You Can't Find Your Keys. It's a known fact: Clutter causes stress; order creates a haven from it. This mood-boosting routine is simple: Take about three minutes to bring each room back to "ready" before you depart it. (Unless you have a toddler, or a partner who likes to simulate earthquakes, three minutes should be sufficient.)

3. Display sentimental items around your home. One reason that experiences (and memories of those experiences) make us happier than material things is due to the entire cycle of enjoyment that experiences provide: planning the experience, looking forward to the experience, enjoying the experience, and then remembering the experience. Make your home a gallery of positive memories.

4. Start a one-line-a-day gratitude journal. Before bed, simply jot down one happy memory from that day. (If you have kids, you can ask them, "What was the best part of today?") Reflection is an important part of happiness, and pausing to reflect on a positive event from each day cultivates gratitude. (An added bonus: Later, when your memory is defunct, you will already have all of your meaningful adventures recorded!) If you have trouble getting started with journaling, consider buying a book to guide you. Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach, is a great one.

5. If you can't get out of it, get into it. This tip comes from The Happiness Project. I love the message: The dishes are not going to clean themselves, so you will do it, and you will like it! (Unless, of course, you can outsource this job, in which case I say: Nice work!) Otherwise, get into doing the dishes. Feel the soothing warm water on your hands. Enjoy the tickle of the tiny bubbles. Crank your favorite album at an unusually loud volume, do a couple fist-pumps while shouting "Can I get a hell yeah for the dishes? Hell! Yeah!" and pretend you love it.

6. Before you get up each morning, set an intent for the day. In The Art of Happiness, the Dali Lama says ""Every day, think as you wake up: today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it." Wow. What a wise man. I tend to wake up with a strong visceral reaction that says, "Attention human beings: Be afraid of me before coffee. Be very afraid!" Setting a daily intent makes a huge difference. Your daily intent could be something like "be productive" or "enjoy today's delicious moments" or it could be something more specific like "say thank you to my loved ones today." But it should not be another "to do" item on your list.

7. Do small favors for your housemates, expecting nothing in return (not even a thank you!). (That's right, I said it: nothing!) Mow the lawn for your husband, but don't expect him to pat you on the back. Make the bed for your wife, but don't try to get bonus points for it. Take the trash out for your roommate, just because. The ability to cultivate strong, healthy relationships is one of the biggest contributors to health and happiness, but when you start to keep score, the benefit is lost. (No! It's YOUR turn to clean up the dog poop!) It's a well-known fact: When you do good, you feel good.

8. Call at least one friend or family member a day. You can do this while you clean, while you make the bed, or while you walk the dog. Texts and emails do not count! Make an actual phone call to a loved one, just to chat and catch up. We humans are social beings and studies show that even when we don't feel like it, even if we are naturally introverted, socializing with our loved ones makes us feel better.

9. Spend money on things that cultivate experiences at home. Save money for a new grill for parties or a new DVD for family movie night — something that will encourage you to have people over and entertain. Plan a summer barbeque, invite your closest friends, kick back and relax. (And don't forget to print out the pictures to remember the good times.)

10. Spend a few minutes each day connecting with something greater than yourself.Whatever your spiritual beliefs — or non-beliefs — may be, studies show that connecting to a high power is correlated with happiness. Just stepping back to realize that we are part of an enormous universe can put some perspective on your annoyance with the those-are-definitely-not-mine-and-they-are-abso-fricking-lutely-repulsive socks under the coffee table. Before bed, spend just a few minutes contemplating something larger than yourself. Take a walk in nature. Write in a journal. Create a sacred space in your home. (Or if spirituality is really not your thing, create a home spa: light some candles, soak in a hot bath, delve into a good book… are you feeling better yet?)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How To Clean a Kitchen Trash Can

Taking the trash out doesn't always mean the end of the trash day chores. Making sure that your kitchen trash can doesn't become more gross than the contents of the bag inside it is a must for a clean feeling. Check out "How To Clean a Kitchen Trash Can" for the best steps to avoid mess and smell.

Cleaning the kitchen trash can is a household to-do that's easily overlooked, but things get gross in there fast. Even I was surprised how many cracker bits and unknown liquids had made their way past the inner liner of our trash can (toddlers, anyone?). A lingering smell is an obvious sign that it's time to clean the trash can, so grab your gloves and get to work!
A few easy steps are all that's required for a clean, fresh-smelling can.
For deep-clean lovers (guilty) and over-achievers, it is an oddly satisfying thing to know that something meant to be dirty can actually be clean. After you've followed these steps and given your trash can a thorough cleaning, maintain your hard work by wiping down the inside and outside of the can with a disinfectant spray each time you empty the trash can. Beware: If you don't live alone, this request could invite an eye roll from your roommate or spouse.
Now, let's get to cleaning!

How To Clean the Kitchen Trash Can

What You Need

Rubber gloves
A hose (if you have outdoor space) or a bathtub
A clean toilet brush or other long-handled, nylon bristle scrub brush
A disinfectant spray of your choice
Paper towels or old towel


  1. Don your rubber gloves: Cleaning the trash can can be a nasty business, so pull on some rubber gloves!
  2. Empty trash can and remove any lingering food particles: After you've emptied your trash can, remove any large pieces of food or particles you see in the bottom of the can. Your goal here is just to get rid of any major gunk you can see outright.
  3. Wash out the can: If you have access to a hose, take your trash can outside and hose it down. If you don't have outdoor space, you can also do this in your bathtub. Pat dry with a paper towel.
  4. Spray the can with a disinfectant: Using a disinfectant cleaner of your choice, liberally spray down the inside and outside of the trash can. Don't forget the top and bottom of the can.
  5. Scrub the can: Take a clean toilet brush or other long-handled nylon bristle brush and scrub the can thoroughly. After scrubbing, let the cleaner sit for 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse and dry: Rinse the can thoroughly with your hose or in the bathtub. Dry with a towel, or let air dry in the sun.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads out there! Thanks for being so wonderful!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Comfort Food From Around The World

Do you enjoy comfort food? Here are some great recipes from around the world. Each of these recipes is considered a "comfort food" in their country. You can learn more at The Kitchn.

Authentic Spaghetti alla Carbonara

How to Make Baklava

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