Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Prepare for the Holiday Season

  Starting now there will be many occasions that gift wrapping will occur.  Kids birthday parties to Christmas there is always something to wrap a present for.  Here are some great tips on creating an easy present wrapping station in your house.  This will prepare you for the whole year, including the hectic holiday season.

Yeah, we went there. Consider this the first salvo of the holiday season, for we are here to talk about organizing gift wrapping supplies. Of course, there are many occasions that could arise between now and the end of the year which would necessitate wrapping a gift, so if it makes it any easier to swallow, let's pretend we are posting this to make packaging your Aunt Tilly's birthday gift a little bit easier. But the reality is the sales and shopping will begin more sooner than later, and this project puts all of your wrapping needs at your fingertips.

Open up a random closet in your domicile and see what is hanging on the back of the door--some ties, a few belts or possibly a handbag or two. Jen at I Heart Organizing recently featured an impressive use of that often wasted space, an uber-organized gift wrapping storage station, courtesy of Cassie from Hi Sugarplum. It has it all--tags, tape, scissors, ribbon, bags and anything else you could possibly need. Using a modular rack system and a series of baskets allows for large and small items to live harmoniously side by side and doesn't allow an inch to go unwasted.
10-12 gift wrap station2.jpg
The metal magnet strip is a great addition, as is the birthday reminder sheet. While we may never achieve organizational prowess to this degree, we figure anything beats our current system of...well, no system at all.

For more information see Apartment Therapy.


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