Friday, January 27, 2012

Bike Ban Averted in Albuquerque, City Moves to Add Bike Lanes Instead

Remember the bike ban that was being considered? Good news - they're not going through with it. Read on for more info.

Albuquerque is a League of American Bicyclists certified “Bronze-Level” Bike Friendly Community. So everyone was a little taken aback when it looked like the city was pursuing a bike ban on a popular thoroughfare last week.
No more. This New Mexico city redeemed itself in the eyes of bike advocates when city officials said Friday that not only would they take down the “No Bicycles” sign on Chappell Road, but they would be adding two bike lanes on the road to improve cycling safety.
On Saturday, Los Alamos Bikes posted a thank you to Michael Riordan, the city’s Director of Municipal Development, who ordered the change.
Meanwhile, in a email to local officials, Khalil J Spencer, a Los Alamos-based LAB-certified cycling instructor, said “I’m happy the city turned this decision around so fast, but my main concern from here in the hinterlands is that the process does not repeat itself.”
Credit is owed to some quick organizing by local cycling advocates, about 20 of whom met with city officials to voice their concerns last Wednesday. Among them was Jennifer Buntz, president of the Duke City Wheelmen Foundation, who reminded the ABQ Journal that cyclists have the same rights to the road under the law as motorist. She added: “Cyclists are capable of deciding the best route for their travels. We do that every time we are on our bicycles. We can and do make choices with our ‘life, health and safety in mind.’ We do not need the city to do that for us.”

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Albuquerque Coupons and Discounts GUIDE

Do you know all the secrets for saving money in Albuquerque? Check out the complete list to see all your options!

One of the positive impacts of social media is the exponential possibility of spotting a deal. If you like to shop but hate the price tag, coupons are a great way to beat costs. Coupons and discounts are in Albuquerque year round. Here are some links to deep discounts in the Duke City, to help with your shopping needs.

Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau (ACVB)
The Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau has information on where to stay, eat or find things to do while in the city. But they also offer coupons that provide discounts that make a visit here more worthwhile.

The good news? You don't have to be from out of town to use them. The coupons provide locals with places to shop or eat at a discount, or provide a few dollars off on entry to museums and more.

And for anyone wanting to do a "staycation," the hotel specials and packages are well worth a look. Everything that helps cut costs is a help.

Albuquerque on the Cheap
This website pulls together many offers that are out there, and updates with whatever's new. If you like cheap deals, deep discounts, freebie alerts and just enjoy doing what it takes to save, this website is a jackpot of savings.
City Deals
Sign up for alerts on deals near you. This site also has deals on online sales.
Deal Alerts

In addition to direct alerts to deals, there are sites that specialize in letting you know when a deal is out there.


Dealmap takes the deals from sites such as Groupon and and puts them on one site where it's easy to browse for deals.

Albuquerque Deals

Albuquerque Deals specializes in Groupon alerts, with a map indicating where the special is located.

Groupon offers site specific coupons in many cities, to include Albuquerque. The system works by getting enough people to sign up for the daily deal for it to be "on." They offer deep discounts on spa services, haircuts, Segway rides, and more. Discounts run between 50% - 90%.

Sign in for an account, and get email, Facebook or Twitter alerts about the day's deal. If you want it, you can buy it. If you don't want it, you don't. It's a simple process.

Deals have an expiration date, and have specific requirements.

Living Social
Like Groupon, Living Social has a daily deal. Sign up for the deal alert, and purchase it for savings up to 90%.

If you buy a deal and get three others to purchase it, your deal is free.
The discounts are deep with this deal site. If you're going out to eat, it pays to check and see if the restaurant you're thinking about visiting has a deal on or not. From Greek to Thai, it's all here, so take advantage of the savings.

Purchase a gift certificate for varying amounts online. For example, purchase a $10 gift certificate for $5. Visit the restaurant, and purchase $20 or more, and redeem the coupon. Restrictions apply, with some merchants adding in gratuity ahead of coupon redemption, some specifying when coupons can't be redeemed, and more.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The 'Land of Enchantment' Needs a Lift

What do you think – is New Mexico a well-kept secret? What would your state slogan be?

New Mexico calls itself the Land of Enchantment. But the spell isn't working all that well.

Overnight tourist trips in New Mexico have dropped by nearly 10% in the past three years, and spending on everything from souvenir magnets to turquoise jewelry fell by hundreds of millions of dollars.

When state tourism officials convened focus groups in Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles to ask prospective travelers about their perceptions of New Mexico, the same depressing descriptions kept cropping up: "Arid." "Barren." "Dull."

Also: "Close to Arizona."

So state officials are launching a $2.5 million effort to rebrand New Mexico as a place of charm and character, adventure, excitement—and really good green chili cheeseburgers. As a model, the state is looking north to Colorado, which routinely gets praised in focus groups as "majestic," "glorious" and "heavenly."

But rebranding a state can be a risky proposition. New Jersey hired a consultant a few years ago to come up with a new tourism slogan. The result? "New Jersey: We'll Win You Over." That may have been an improvement over its 1970s tagline, "New Jersey's Got It," which inspired innumerable jokes about venereal disease. But state officials thought "We'll Win You Over" sounded defensive and spiked the campaign.

New Mexico, too, has had some marketing misfires. One recent come-hither campaign played off conspiracy theories about UFO landings in Roswell, N.M., and featured bug-eyed green aliens. The state's Rose Parade float in 2008 featured the creatures.


By Jessica Austerlitz - Art at a gallery in Santa Fe.

"I don't know that it resonated," said Veronica Valencia, who recently joined the Tourism Department as marketing director.

The department also has a new tourism secretary, Monique Jacobson, who comes to Santa Fe fresh off a decade spent marketing PepsiCo Inc. brands such as Gatorade and Quaker Oats.

The way Ms. Jacobson sees it, New Mexico ought to be an easier sell than warm porridge.

"Oatmeal was tough because people knew they didn't like the texture," Ms. Jacobson said. "With New Mexico, it's not an issue of people not liking what we have to offer. It's a question of them not knowing what we have to offer."

Indeed, the focus group members seemed clueless about New Mexico, which is celebrating its centennial. It entered the union as the 47th state on Jan. 6, 1912. Yet several focus group members wondered aloud whether they needed passports to visit. Others, apparently confusing Albuquerque with Acapulco, said they had heard good things about the landlocked state's beaches.

Even some tourists who ventured into New Mexico over the holidays had low expectations. Kamran Mogharreban, who is 57, came from southern Illinois to visit his brother—and was surprised to find himself enjoying touring museums in Albuquerque, shopping in Santa Fe and taking the commuter rail that zips between the two cities. It wasn't at all what he had expected of New Mexico. "I thought it would be more backward," Mr. Mogharreban said.

The tourism department hasn't yet announced its new slogan, but Ms. Jacobson says it will be built around the premise that New Mexico offers visitors "adventure steeped in culture."

A key goal: attracting younger families. State figures show 24% of tourists who stay overnight in New Mexico are 65 or older—a higher proportion than in nearby Arizona, Colorado and Utah, where on average 17% of overnight visitors are senior citizens.

Those demographics matter because older visitors tend to spend less—and aren't as likely to generate a positive buzz for the state by tweeting about only-in-New Mexico experiences such as llama trekking in Taos, spelunking in Carlsbad Caverns or tramping in the dusty footsteps of Billy the Kid.


By Jessica Austerlitz -  The entrance to Carlsbad Caverns, where tourists watch the bats leaving the cave at dusk.

At the moment, fully a third of overnight visitors to New Mexico are just passing through, state officials said. That pains Lynnae Molidor, who owns a clothing boutique in the historic Santa Fe Plaza. "People think New Mexico is all hoity-toity, high-end—or, for the real out-there people, there's Roswell" and flying saucers, Ms. Molidor said. "They don't think there's an in-between."

To focus all its firepower on the new campaign, set to launch in the spring, the Tourism Department has cut some staff at its promotional magazine and this year scrapped its tradition of entering an elaborate float in the Rose Parade.

That leaves $2.5 million for advertising—far less than some neighboring states spend. Arizona's governor recently announced a $7 million investment in marketing. Colorado spends more than $12 million a year.

On the other hand, in this era of perpetual budget crises, many states have eliminated promotions altogether.

Washington State recently closed its tourism department and Connecticut's was shut down for stretches of 2009 and 2010. (As a result, the state didn't pay its dues to a regional marketing collaboration—which retaliated by erasing Connecticut from the map of New England on its website.)

In New Mexico, Ms. Jacobson, the tourism secretary, says she's confident she can leverage her limited resources to build "a strong, iconic brand."

Some of the state's biggest fans, however, aren't so sure they want her to succeed.

Jimmy Dietz, a veterinarian from Houston, regularly brings his family to ski at Taos. He can't get over the peace, the lack of crowds, the friendly and attentive service, he says. In fact, he loves New Mexico so much that he has stopped touting it to his friends, for fear that an invasion of tourists would ruin the small-town charm.

"New Mexico is one of the greatest-kept secrets in the U.S.," Mr. Dietz says. "And it's nice because of that."

Write to Stephanie Simon at

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Letters From Billy The Kid On Display

Would you have pardoned Billy the Kid?

In honor of the state's centennial celebration, the history museum is opening a new exhibit featuring hand-written letters from Billy the Kid to Gov. Lew Wallace.

In the letters, the legendary outlaw asks for a pardon.

"In the late 1800's one of the things that was standing in the way of New Mexico's bid for citizenship was its well-earned reputation for lawlessness -- Billy the Kid being one of the most popular," Kate Nelson with the New Mexico History Museum said.

The infamous outlaw never got a pardon. The museum said there are theories that Billy the Kid may have penned the letters while he was shackled, but nobody knows for sure.

"Come here and read Billy the Kid's letters, and then take a trip down to Lincoln County and see the street where it actually happened. It looks pretty much the same way it did," Nelson said.

It took New Mexico more than 60 years after it became a territory to finally become a state.

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