Posted by Larimer Associates on 7:00 AM

If you’re interested in the outdoors or traveling, be sure to stop by the Albuquerque Convention Center and check out the 2011 New Mexico RV, Boat & Travel Show. It will be running from today through Sunday. Follow the link for more details:
If you love the outdoors, you will love this show! Whether you enjoy the freedom of traveling in an RV, boating, or camping, you will find it all at the New Mexico RV, Boat & Travel Show in beautiful Albuquerque.
2011 New Mexico RV, Boat & Travel Show | Affinity Events
Posted by Larimer Associates on 1:24 PM

An Albuquerque salon cut hair for a good cause on Sunday.
Joseph’s Salon in Old Town held a cut-a-thon to raise money for Patrick Grange. If the name sounds familiar, it might be because Grange played soccer for the University of New Mexico in 2003 and 2004.
Grange has been diagnosed with the degenerative disease ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. At age 28, he is the youngest in the state to be diagnosed with ALS.
The cut-a-thon was just the latest way that friends are showing their support for him. “Everybody adores him, I’ve never met anybody who has as many friends as he does,” said fundraising organizer Veronica Aragon.
Next month, UNM’s annual alumni soccer game will raise money for Grange. That’s set for April 23rd.
Cut-a-thon raises money for UNM student with Lou Gehrig's Disease |
Posted by Larimer Associates on 7:00 AM

We want to wish all our fans a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Check out the link below for some fun St. Patricks’s Day facts:
St. Patrick’s Day is observed on March 17 because that is the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is believed that he died on March 17 in the year 461 AD. It is also a worldwide celebration of Irish culture and history. St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday in Ireland, and a provincial holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
The actual color of St. Patrick is blue. Green became associated with St. Patrick's Day during the 19th century. Green, in Irish legends, was worn by fairies and immortals, and also by people to encourage their crops to grow.
Fun Facts about St. Patrick's Day
Posted by Larimer Associates on 7:00 AM

Daylight savings time is coming up this weekend. Don’t forget to set your clocks forward!
Every year, daylight savings time seems to take people by surprise. In the United States, daylight savings time begins on March 13 at 2 a.m. local time except in parts of Arizona and Hawaii. As the popular saying goes, clocks need to "spring forward" to observe the change. In other words, clocks need to be set ahead by one hour when the clock strikes 2 a.m.
Daylight Savings Time Begins on March 13 in the U.S. - Yahoo! News
Posted by Larimer Associates on 7:00 AM

Help out the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation and enjoy some great food and chocolate by attending the Chocalate Fantasy fundraiser gala this Saturday at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa. Follow the link for all the details.
The 19th Annual Chocolate Fantasy fundraiser gala, presented by KPMG LLP, is Saturday, March 5, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa in the Santa Ana Pueblo.
Incorporating the theme "Pride of the Serengeti," this black-tie event benefiting the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation will showcase intricate chocolate sculptures from New Mexico's finest chefs, as well as an abundant silent auction, a vacation giveaway, amazing cuisine, and lots of chocolate!
Pride of the Serengeti
Posted by Larimer Associates on 1:08 PM

If you drive through Rio Rancho, be sure to watch out for these new red light cameras. The grace period only runs through March and after that it could cost you $100 or more!
Red light cameras are up and running at two busy Rio Rancho intersections. For now they’re issuing warnings, but that will change at the end of the month.
Rio Rancho red light cameras: $100 tickets beginning Mar. 31 |